How to plan a creative egg hunt
Easter egg hunts are usually organized for children, but they can be fun for people of all ages. Whether gathering eggs in a field or pitching in behind the scenes, an egg hunt can be a happy, inclusive event, even for those who don’t celebrate Easter. Here are some ideas for a creative egg hunt this year.

What to consider before organizing an Easter egg hunt
Ensuring the big event runs smoothly means planning, including when and where to organize the egg hunt. If you want it to be on Easter Sunday, make sure your guests haven’t already made plans. If a family reunion is scheduled, see if you can make the egg hunt a part of it.
It’s important to choose the right time of day for the egg hunt. The more sunlight the better, so plan to begin around midday.
If your egg hunt is scheduled for outdoors, have a solid backup plan in case the weather doesn’t hold.
Finally, the key to a memorable egg hunt is to involve as many guests as possible. It can be helpful to make separate egg hunting zones for each age group.
Creative Easter egg hunt ideas
While everybody loves candy-filled eggs, you can make the egg hunt even more exciting. Consider the following Easter egg hunt variations:
- Hide a few golden eggs filled with money, a lottery ticket, or even a toy instead of candy or chocolate.
- As an incentive, offer a grand prize for whoever finds the most yellow eggs, or the most eggs in total, for example.
- For older adults, why not design the egg hunt as a puzzle? Egg hunt as scavenger hunt.
- Give each guest an egg colour to find. This idea may help even the playing field for the youngest children.
- Another way to engage older children and even adults is to organize a glow-in-the-dark egg hunt. Keep enough flashlights on hand, and crack a few glowsticks to fill the eggs.
- Scatter some Easter bunny-shaped lollipops for a special prize.
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