Given the amount of money involved and the complexity of the transaction, the sale or purchase of a home deserves careful planning.
A real estate broker is an objective ally who accompanies and advises you at all stages of the transaction. They negotiate on your behalf and use their knowledge, expertise and many technology tools to help you buy or sell your property.
Here are four reasons why you should use a real estate broker who is a member of the Quebec Professional Association of Real Estate Brokers (QPAREB) or a real estate board:
Buy or sell at a fair priceKnowledge of legal documents
Increased visibility
Superior protection

My broker ensured that the buyer took the necessary steps to have the transfer of ownership notarized – he made sure the buyer had the required financing and made the appointment with the notary. I appreciated having him with me at the notary’s office.
Read more testimonials
Buy or sell at a fair price
Thanks to their advanced tools and in-depth knowledge of the market, your broker can accurately assess a property's value, which ensures that you buy or sell at a fair price.

Knowledge of legal documents
Your broker helps you fill in the seller’s declaration, prepares and explains all of the clauses in the promise to purchase and sales contract, informs you of the documents you need for the signing at the notary, etc.

Increased visibility
Your broker lists your property in the real estate brokers' Centris collaboration system. Your property is therefore made available to Quebec's 13,000 real estate brokers as well as their buying clients. It will also be present on Centris.ca, the most visited real estate website in Quebec. This unparalleled visibility translates into a better chance of selling your home quickly and on your terms.

Superior protection
Your broker is governed by the Real Estate Brokerage Act and is subject to collaboration rules and a strict code of ethics that provide you with greater protection.

Close to 13,000 professional real estate brokers are at your service in Québec.